Get ready creative people.
Get a bundle of lath and your wood burner out
and lets make
a large rustic, wood planked butterfly!

Wouldn't this be a fun piece for your porch or patio area.
It would be so cute in a girl's bedroom.
I have mine in the entry.

Although it looks as if it were cut and pieced,
I actually used my wood burner to get the effect.
I thought it was time saving but achieved the look
I was going for.
I was inspired by Olive and Grain
You should see their beautiful pieced reclaimed work.
I cut a piece of utility panel 30.75" x 48".
I laid out my lath boards and used power grab adhesive.
Put weight on your boards and let dry overnight.
The most time consuming effort
was in calculating measurements,
and I've done that for you ,
so it should go smooth!
Here are the pattern marks.
Measure in from the sides and mark with chalk.
These are the lines you will use to wood burn.
After the wood burning,
I gave the whole piece a light brown wash.
Now for the fun paint part!
I used greys, blues, off white, ivory,
and even a metallic gold for one board.
You know you want to try it!
I sure hope you do.
It's so good to have your hands busy.
Trying new and different techniques
gets your creativity flowing!