Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dining Chairs Need An Update

These chairs remind me

that I have been painting for decades!

It used to be "more is more".

I love living with "less is more"!

Such a restful palette and clean paint line.

Here are the colors I used:

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For the stripe on the back,

I used a mix of floetrol (paint extender)

and gray.

Basically, floetrol is like a clear glaze

and gives your paints a transparent appearance.

Then I used a straight edge for the fine lines.

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I want my blog to be an idea place.

I try to list my paint colors and design ideas

so you can try it too!

This will be a lot faster than painting one of those bunnies!

Deb : )

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Twice Nice said...

I'm more drawn to those simple, clean design lines these days too! Beautiful, and thank you for explaining your process and products!

Anonymous said...

So peaceful! I love the new look!

lala said...

Wonderful look for the chairs - although the bunnies were awfully cute - I also prefer the cleaner, less cluttered look. You achieved a great finish just using craft paint, I am definitely going to start using my craft paint for more furniture projects.

Deb Hrabik said...

Thanks Lala,
Craft paints can be budget friendly for some furniture pieces. I'm always looking for bargains : )

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Less is definitely more Deb! I especially love the stripe!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! We love the new look! Susanne

Deb Hrabik said...

Hey Susanne! So glad they will be a great fit in your new place.
I always appreciate your business,

Unknown said...

Noticed the pattern on the rug. Did you stencil this? Happybto find you via pinterest :D

Deb Hrabik said...

Hi Martha -
No, I didn't stencil it. I actually found it at a small furniture store in Kansas.
Have a great day!