Friday, November 23, 2012

Snowman on Shutter Gray Fence Board

It's here!

My Milk Paint has arrived.

Merry Christmas to me!

I can't decide what I'm more excited about...

my "Santa Claus Blend" coffee beans

or my Ironstone and Shutter Gray Milk Paint

Paint and Coffee beans are two of my favorite things.

I have a plan to use the shutter gray

on a sideboard that will be our tv stand.

I will post about that soon.

But I had some extra paint

and I thought it would make a great winter sky

for my snowman painting.

Love the blue gray color!

I  cut two pieces from a cedar fence board,

attached them with a thin piece of of wood and screws

on the back, and stained the entire piece.

Then I brushed on the gray,

and painted a happy snowman

peeking out behind his scarf.

Pin It!

I look forward to sharing my new/old sideboard

painted in the shutter gray.

I will show you how it turned out next week!

Hope you're all enjoying the weekend,


Linking to:


Courtney said...

I would get excited about that as a present too!! Lovely new photo of you Deb :)

Christy said...

Love your new christmas sign. So cute!

Unknown said...

absolutely adorable!!

Anonymous said...


Candin said...

Found you through Under the Table link up. Love your painting! I have heard about milk paint and I am itching to try it!

Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

Very cute! I love it.

Visiting from Debbiedoos party.

Have a great day.

J9sHappiness said...

Goodness you are so talented! I love the board snowman picture - and yes, I'd get very excited about coffee and paint too ;0) J9 x

Crafts a la Mode said...

I'm following you now on Linky, but I was wondering if you have a Twitter or Facebook Account and I would follow by that also... Linda

Crafts a la Mode said...

Oh, and I pinned your snowman also...

Deb Hrabik said...

Thank you Linda! Great idea...I will put my facebook button up soon. Right now my facebook biz is under "Deb Hrabik Designs"

Linda said...

Oh your snowman sign is just too cute!! I would be just as excited!!

Accidentally Wonderful said...

This is adorable! I've never used milk paint, but I think I should try it =) I'd love it if you stopped by my blog and shared this on my linky party!

Katie Drane said...

This is adorable! I'm so glad to be your newest follower, I love your blog!


Dixie n Dottie said...

This is so adorable! Would love if you'd join our Countdown to Christmas link party! Hope to see you there! Have a great week! :)

Accidentally Wonderful said...

Thanks for linking up to Inspiration Spotlight! I'm pinning this to my Inspiration Spotlight Favorites Board!

Beth said...

Your snowman is adorable! You are quite talented. Is milk paint the same as chalk paint?

Theresa said...

So cute! I hope you get to link up again. Visiting from

oliwiaKociewianka said...

Hello, my name is Oliwia and I became your follower!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Love, love, love this. Sooooo cute!

Debbiedoos said...

Hi Deb...could you email me when you get a minute? and NO you are not in trouble LOL!~

Anonymous said...

He is so cute - maybe even gets me in the mood to have a LITTLE snow! I wish I could paint, but just not that lucky!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! This is too cute! You make the cutest signs. I always look forward to seeing what you are up to next.

Christina at I Gotta Create! said...

I love how the snowman is just peeking in on us... such a cute concept!

Thanks so much for linking up,
<3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

Kaysi @ Keeping it Simple said...

I love how this turned out!!

Kelly @ A Swell Place to Dwell said...

I love this! I like how it's Christmasy but could stay up longer than Christmas. Pinning for future inspiration.

Unknown said...

Super cute!

gena said...

Now that is simple AND adorable!

thanks for sharing,

Linda said...

Too cute!! I would love to try this.
What size were your boards?
I like the idea of milk paint.
I as well love fresh coffee beans.
I can understand why the excitement.

Deb Hrabik said...

Hey, that's fun thay you'll give it a try! 30" long fence boards. (5 1/2" wide each board).
You'll have a piece of happy winter art,