
Friday, October 24, 2014

New Country View - Pumpkin Craft

My favorite things

about my new home

are the country views.

That means my windows are priority.

Windows and light are highest on my list in my home design.

You can see my first fall craft 

back in the kitchen window.

It is a giant pumpkin top.

Pin It!

You could sit one on a mantel or buffet

or even above a door.

Here are some pictures of the how to:

Base paint white.

Add raffia and grapevine wire.

So I'm barely moved in, but had to add some autumn whimsy!

Phew, I've been without internet for 3 weeks

and have been in boxes, sorting and organizing.

It will be good to get back to my paint brushes!

Blessings friends,


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  1. Deb - your new home looks like it has a beautiful view. Love your pumpkin!


  2. Congratulations on your new place. I absolutely love, love, love the pumpkin top. How do you come up with these ideas?

  3. I love large scale art. I saw some wood cut outs similar in style at Nebraska Furniture Mart. Such a fun idea!

  4. Ah, you've moved Deb!! Congrats and hope the move went ok for you, it can be a stressful thing. Are you still near a lake?

    Courts x

  5. Well congratulations on our move to the country!
    We moved to beautiful views 22 yrs ago and have never looked back.
    Love that piece of art....might just give it a try!! Thanks and enjoy the scenery!!

  6. Simply aDORable!! I absolutely love it :) Love your new home and all those windows and view too. -Bev

  7. Oh Deb! Your countryside views are stunning! I can see why you'd make windows and light a priority. You will have so much inspiration living there for sure :0)
    Your fall craft is so sweet and unique ... and I'm glad you have internet again :0)

    Enjoy your new home!

  8. What views and what inspiration! It looks like you will have a wonderful outdoor space to do some of your artwork. Enjoy your new home~

  9. What a fun project. Looks like an amazing place to live! Cheers.

  10. Glad to hear you are settling in! It was great meeting you at Junk Stock! I'm sorry I didn't have much time for a chat. Love the pumpkin top, and can't wait to see all the new things you'll create for your new place.


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