
Friday, October 5, 2012

Photo Art Gift for Baby

The phone call came...
"She is in labor and they are on their way to the hospital!"
How exciting!
My niece is having a baby!

The sky was amazing that day....
Just the way the light filtered through the clouds and fell on the water

and the way the rays of sun shot up and out from behind the trees
as if they were celebrating too.

So I began to document
Claire's way into the world.

As I turned to the east
I could see the full moon rising.

I could hardly sleep that night
waiting to hear
when the new little bundle
was born.

at 2:00 a.m.....let the texting celebration begin!
So, since I was up anyway,
I could see an awesome full moon
and continued the photo shoot.

It's a beautiful day.

Claire's sky was a wonderful series of light.
So I collaged the photos
and put them in a poster format.

Celebrating New Beginnings.
Her "Birth" day is one of a kind.

Thank you for your visit!
Hope this adds another idea to your list of baby gifts,

Linking to:

Saturday:     Cheerios and Lattes
                     Funky Junk Interiors
                     Too Much Time on My Hands

Monday:        I Should be Mopping the Floor
                      DIY SHOWOFF
                     BoogieBoard Cottage
                     Between Naps on the Porch
                     Keeping it Simple

Tuesday:       Coastal Charm
                     My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
                     Cozy Little House
                     Elizabeth & Co.

Wednesday:  Savvy Southern Style

Thursday:     Beyond the Picket Fence
                     House of Hepworths        
                    Stone Gable
                    A Delightsome Life
                    The Shabby Creek Cottage
                     The 36th Avenue

Friday:          Redoux Interiors


  1. Deb, What a fantastic and unique idea! I hope to remember this next February when my first grandchild is born. Have a great weekend!

  2. Deb - What a wonderful gift. Something that no one else could ever give her and something so special that it'll never be repeated. Awesome!!


  3. WOW! What a great gift! Very creative and very cool!

  4. So awesome, what a wonderfully personal gift. A treasure really!

  5. Such a unique and creative gift! I know that it will be treasured!

  6. Such an awesome and unique idea. Thank you for sharing. I'm your newest follower.
    Jen @

  7. Hello, new follower here! I would love to have you link up with my Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    I hope to see you there!



    The Chicken Chick

  8. What an absolutely beautiful gift. Your niece and grand niece must be so happy with this!

  9. Awesome 1st grandchild is due Feb. 2013! I am thinking of a scrapbook page....let the ideas begin....

  10. Wow! That's so very unique - what a special way to commemorate the birth! Love it! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  11. Very cool gift! and a beautiful daughters name is Claire <3


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