
Monday, December 7, 2015

Winter Art Fair and Instagram

Good Monday Morning

to all of my "maker" friends!

I had so much fun working on a variety of new art

for the local market.

So I thought I would share a few photos.

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These days when I am so busy painting

I don't have as much time to post on my blog.
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I find I post more often on instagram.

Would love to have you join me there @debhrabik

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Have a happy week,


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  1. Oh Deb you really have been working hard! Look at all your beautiful work! So lovely! I wish I lived closer so I could come and buy a few from you! I hope you have a great day!

  2. Love, love, love every single piece! I too, wish I lived closer. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent.

  3. You have been one busy bee!!! You're so creative. I hope you did well at your sale Deb! Merry Christmas!

  4. Your work is beautiful as always. I have a question about an older post from August 23, 2013, that I just happened across today. You painted a Lane Generations Cedar chest. You mentioned, "the body of the chest was painted white with camel shade." What does this mean? Paint white then brush with camel shade? My husband made a cedar chest when he was in high school and I want to paint it. I love what you did with yours!

  5. Hi Brenda!
    Yes, so paint the entire base white/off white. After it is dry and has enough coat coverage, then take your 1 or 2" wide brush, dip it in clear glaze or floetrol. Then have two puddles of paint ready to go - one white and one camel. Dip your glazed brush half into the white and half into the camel. Pull along edges of chest with the white side in and the camel on the outside edge. This is shading, making it look a bit darker on the edges. Adds great depth and interest.
    Have a great project,


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