
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Happy Summer Star Canvas

Summer is almost here!

This canvas door hanging 

celebrates the season.

Pin It!

This is an easy project 

with big graphic impact.

So, using a 16 x 20 inch canvas panel,

mark off 5 horizontal stripes, 4" each.

For the blue,

I mixed grey, blue, and white

Then I used the scraping technique -

using folded cardstock and dipping in the blue mix,

a puddle of grey, and a puddle of brown.

Then pressing down, drag the cardstock

across the stripe.  

It will leave great layer dimension.

Keep layering until you get the look you want.

Then for the white stripe,

I used an off white and Craftsmart Suede

to dip and drag across canvas.

Here is a rough sample of my template:

Base paint the star red.

Dip cardstock in red and black

and drag across star.

Transfer lettering

and paint dark grey.

Pin It!
Now for grommets and ribbon


Your new summer sign is ready!

Really, you could use it for wall art too.

Maybe you can get one ready

for Memorial Weekend!

Happy Painting!


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  1. What a great canvas! LOVE the red star technique!

  2. Love this! Another wonderful creation. Thanks for sharing the instructions!


  3. Deb - cute, cute cute!! I think this idea would fit in between my front door and screen door. Will give it a try! Like the grommets and ribbon hanger.


  4. Very cute idea! Curious what font you used for the lettering. It is perfect.

  5. I used Housegrind font but changed it a bit.

  6. I love your sign - that big red star packs a good punch.

    I painted a sign last week and 2 more today. I am trying to use up old wood.

  7. Love this! I am making one for my pool house door. I was looking for something unique and I have not been able to find anything fabulous. Thanks much. Cute blog ~ glad I stumbled your way! :)

  8. This is so great, and fabulous tutorial too, thank you!

  9. Very cool painting technique to get a vintage feel! Love it! pinning to remember

  10. My son's birthday is close to the 4th of July holiday so whenever I see a pretty patriotic thing like this, I always think of him! Such a great design!

  11. Congrats! You were featured on Friday’s Five Features over on DIY Vintage Chic. Stop by and grab yourself a button!

  12. Loved it. Just finished I did not put any writing on it yet and freehanded the star. Thanks so much for sharing

  13. How did you transfer your image onto the canvas?

  14. Hi Stephanie -
    Run a pencil over your lines on the back of the template. It's easy if you hold up to a window. Then lay template face down and press from the front with a pencil.
    Enjoy your project!


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