
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Making Scripture Word Art

Hey Friends!

Today I'm combining 

a few of my favorite things...

words from my savior


yah, paint;

not like the two are that close 

on the important-o-meter,

but they go together in my world.

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Boy, do I need reminders around

about right living.

I guess God knew that when he said

"Tie them (my commands) to your hands,

wear them on your forehead as reminders.

Write them on the doorposts of your house

and on your gates" Deuteronomy 6: 8-9.

So, how about putting them on your wall.

Pin It!

Build a box frame

with 1/4" underlayment

and furring strips.

Put a wash of brown acrylic front and back.

Brush on a coat of white.

I like to use Olympia Paint and Primer in one

from Lowes. Color - Crumb Cookie.

This piece measures 24" x 24".

The white stripes are 4".

Colored stripes are 3".

The pencil shade on the back of the lettering

will transfer when you press from the front

with a pen.

Pin It!
Can't wait to paint more verses.

Hope you enjoy making one for your home.

I'm also selling these on my Etsy.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Much appreciation,


Link Parties:


  1. Nicely said and beautifully done!

  2. Hi Deb - love your sign - as usual! Beautiful work.


  3. Beautiful sign and one of my very favorite verses. We like the shema too (Deut 6 passage) and it is the theme verse for our homeschooling. Would love for you to share at Fridays Unfolded!


  4. This is so pretty Deb! Beautiful verse.

  5. Wow! This is absolutely beautiful. It's always good to take inspiration from others and this is amazing work :)

  6. Hello Deb - love this! I love putting Bible verses throughout the house for the very reasons you stated - beautiful sign - I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,

  7. So beautiful Deb! Seriously! I love how you did the letters too! I have been wanting to put some scripture verses on the wall (good subliminal messages :) you did it perfectly!


Always enjoy hearing from my art minded friends!

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