
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Super Cheap Wreath Form - Coffee Filter Wreath

Love Love

my new

Coffee Filter Wreath


Love Love

that it was super cheap!

Pin It!

And here's why:

Pin It!

I made the form from 5 sheets of newspaper.

Starting with 2 sheets, separated,

scrunch them slightly, into a tube.

Keep a lot of airy volume.

Don't scrunch too tight.

Hold in place with tape.

For mine, I used about 4 sheets of paper

and formed a 10" circle.

Then I used another sheet of paper,

tearing into 3" strips to wrap around taped form.

The hot glue will work easier 

directly on paper rather than tape.

You can either tie with twine or 

use a little bit of tape.

Cut a cardboard back that will 

fit your wreath size.

Hot glue.

Pin It!

Ta da!  Your Super Cheapo Wreath Form.

Now for the Coffee Filters:

I'm using some leftover tea stained filters

that we used for Scott and Rachel's Wedding.

We used the large basket style coffee filters

to make pom discs 

for banners and chair ties.

For this wreath you will only need around 70 filters.

You don't need many filters 

because the tea staining process 

gives the filters lots of volume.

I put several coffee filters in the sink,

made up a mixture of instant tea and water

(3 Tbsp. tea + 1 cup water)

in a spray bottle,

and covered all of the filters with the spray.

Now for the waiting part...

letting the filters dry.

If you can set them in the sun

or by a heat vent

they will dry faster.

You can scrunch them a bit as they dry.

When dry,

Gather each filter and staple in the center.

Keep 10 or so filters without staples.

They will be the flat disc that you glue

6 stapled filters to.

Glue 1 stapled filter to center of disc.

Press with something 

(other than your finger : ) !)

to hold in place.

Glue 5 more around the center.

Fluff out filters and add dabs of glue to attach edges.

You will have pom discs that look like this:

Hot Glue one edge of pom disc onto the back edge

under the cardboard.

Glue the rest of the pom disc down on front.

Repeat all the way around.

Then, depending on the size of your wreath,
Pin It!

You can continue to glue pom discs

to the inside edge.

But if your wreath is smaller like mine,

you will just need to glue individual stapled filters

around the inside.

If there are any vacant spots, 

just glue in some stapled filter bunches.

Pin It!
You can dress this wreath up 

with any ribbon or decoration.

It will be easy to change the tag for any season.

Today it's my Valentine Wreath!

I hope you have fun trying this project!


Link Parties:


  1. That is just so cool. I love the natural variegation and vintageness that tea stain on paper makes. This could work for Valentine's boxes & decorations too. And how clever to make your own form....

  2. I love the newspaper wreath form - it's literally simply brilliant! Thank you for sharing!

  3. I'm not a crafty person and never would have looked at that and thought it was so easy! Well you made it look easy;-)
    Love the chevron table you guys did too! X

  4. Way to go girl!! I love the wreath form you created. (and the wreath of course) Pure genius. I am always looking for ways to make wreath forms as I find the store bought are so darned expensive. I am pinning this one

  5. Really great tutorial, I've wanted to make this for a couple years since my niece's wedding. I'm motivated@ Thanks!

  6. I love this Deb - so much fun texture. And great tip on the wrapped newspaper!! Thanks for sharing it:)

  7. Thanks for sharing your super creative wreath with us! Wreath forms can get pricey so your tutorial will come in really handy for those of us who like to change out our wreaths for different seasons and occasions. I saw your post over at Savvy Southern Style.

  8. Genius! I'd love it if you'd share this at my link party, going on now!

  9. Thank you for the wonderful idea! Your wreath is lovely and I can't wait to make one of my own! ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic


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