
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Making Old Signs

What is it

about old signs!

There's something about the way

the written word marks a passage of time.

It takes me back generations

imagining a pioneer way of life.




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Planked Styling,

rough wood,

stencil look letters,

and a rusty patina

have all the makings of 

an old time sign.

Terri, my country cousin,

saw the "Toll Bridge" original

in the local cafe.

Are you like me -

whenever I shop or see things I love,

I always think I can make that!

It's a way of life.

So I was excited to take the challenge

and make this Toll Bridge sign.

Using pieced fence boards,

keeping all of the boards and edges dark stain,

and brushing on an off-white paint,

my sign base is ready for lettering.

I made the text in photoshop and pencil transferred to the board.

Then let the marathon lettering begin. ha!

Watching the CMA's while outlining and filling in 

with a sharpie helps.

I did take a liner brush with black paint over top

to strengthen the text.

(I know - I need to get a letter cutting machine!)

Yeah, that's cinnamon in the picture.

I should be making pumpkin pie

but that would be "Lake Girl Bakes".

 I'm using my cinnamon for 

Old sign worn detail.

After everything was painted and dry,

I brushed clear glaze randomly over entire piece.

Then sprinkled cinnamon over those areas

and brushed lightly.

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There are so many ways to distress

new paint to make it look old.

I thought this method looked 

like the original aged patina.

Aren't the words fun!

This photo was taken in Terri's charming 

farmhouse entry.

Her country design is so inviting,

I think she's going to let us in
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for a tour soon!

Thanks for your visit!

Always appreciate you stopping by,


Link Parties:


  1. That is fantastic. I thought it was an original old sign when I saw the picture!

  2. Wow, that's genius! Love it. Thanks for sharing, I would have never thought of cinnamon in painting. Dee from My Painted Stuff.

  3. I like the touch of cinnamon! I bought all the supplies for the kids to make the cinnamon Christmas ornaments (previous post) when they come for Thanksgiving. They are going to love it, thank you!

  4. Deb,
    Thanks for sharing this charming sign at my party...I love it!


  5. Well that's a new use for cinnamon! Never would have thought of that. Very economical and I bet it makes the process smell yummy~!

  6. I love peeking in and seeing what you're up to lately. And oh, the cleverness of you! Cinnamon! Who would have thought. The perfect color and texture for rustiness. You've discovered a totally un-gross patina! Also. I think the hand lettering probably reads more authentically than cutouts would hooray for CMA, sharpies, and "leisurely" lettering.

    Beautifully done, and sweet in always.
    Lynaea @

  7. Hi Deb! You are such a talented lady! I featured your vintage painted sign this week. Blessings, Mary

  8. I absolutely love this sign! I found you over at Boogieboard Cottage and I'm your newest follower!

  9. You sign is adorable! What an innovative way to use cinnamon! I'm visiting from Feathered Nest Friday and am your newest follower. I invite you to visit my blog at . I look forward to visiting you again soon and see more of your creativity at it's best.

    Betty (maddiebellahome)

  10. Wow -awesome Deb! You are so patient! And the cinnamon is a great trick. I always think I can make everything that I see shopping as well- sometimes I need to remember that I don't have the time to make everything I see (lol).

  11. Deb I love your sign. I always want to recreate signs I see... the problem is having the time to do everything I want to make! I love the cinnamon idea.. thanks for that! Beautiful!

  12. Love this! You did a beautiful job!!

  13. Old signs do have their charm - love how you use cinnamon to give an aged, rusty look - brilliant! I am delighted that you shared with A Return to Loveliness,


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