
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chalkboard Top Dresser

Hey painting friends!
did you have a refreshing weekend?
So relaxing to sit by the fire, 
listen to the water as the boats cruised by,
and hear the laughter around the lake.

But you know I couldn't go 4 days
without a paintbrush in hand.
So while I was selling furniture and art
out of my garage this weekend,
I was working on this dresser
that I found free roadside!

After priming the top,
I painted it with chalkboard paint.
I was looking for a worn grey color on the sides
so I rubbed Vaseline in places
where I wanted the wood to show through.
Then I painted over that with a mix of black and white.

Then a little sanding exposed the under layers
where I had rubbed on the Vaseline.
For the drawer fronts,
I painted them white with a camel shaded edge
then went back and dry brushed grey
on the edges and corners.
Plus I put very subtle flourish detail
on the left and bottom of the drawers
using lots of glaze so it almost fades into the white.
Pin It!
The chalkboard top
can be an always changing message board.
Pin It!
Pin It!
So I was a little productive between
the patio and the boat.
Now I'm excited about fall projects.
I look forward to sharing those!
Have a great week,
Sharing at:



  1. It's gorgeous - love love love the different shades of gray and the white drawers look perfect!
    How can people throw these things out???
    You did a beautiful job transforming her!

  2. Oh my, once again another lovely piece. You make it look easy, lol. Good for you to rescue this old dresser and make it over into something that would look great in any house!

  3. thi si sreally lovely, love that grey color:)

  4. Seriously, someone left it beside the road? How can they do that? And why are they not in my neighborhood?! :-) Looks gorgeous now, and I love how all the varying shades of gray give it such movement!

  5. This is part of my weekend routine. I walk on Sunday evenings. Trash day is Monday. Perfect timing for scoping out anything I think I might have to rescue!

  6. This was being thrown out? Really? Wow, you've given it new life! Live the chalkboard top. What fun!!

  7. I can't believe someone was throwing that away but they are most likely kicking their self if they ever see the "after". Nice work!

  8. What a treasure! Love the chalkboard top and how the grey crackled! Did that happen from the vaseline?

  9. Makes me want to put the bookwork away and go paint something! I've admired your work for quite some time and this is my first comment. Beautiful job!

  10. Hey thanks June! So glad you left a comment. So nice to meet people that share the same interests,

  11. Very nice!! How many times have I used Graphite on the top of something, but NEVER considered using chalkboard paint?!

  12. Looks Beautiful Deb! The vaseline worked like a charm. Great roadside treasure. Dee from My Painted Stuff

  13. Get out of town! You got this for free? It's a lovely shape! And your paint work is gorgeous as always.
    Fiona x

  14. So pretty! I love all the different layers. Thanks for sharing at Silver Pennies Sundays. x


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