
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Rocker in Shabby Denim Paint and White Fur

Happy 2013!
A time for New Things.
I'm looking forward to it and hope you are too.
How about this for something new...
Here's a warm winter welcome with a fur fabric seat.
It's my Eskimo and Denim Rocker.
Maybe it's just my winter weirdness but I'm really liking the fur.
It makes a cozy corner to read and have a cup of coffee in the morning.
I started with a rocker I bought at the thrift store
many years ago.  It needed love and repair.
One of the back slats was missing so I had to replace that.
This is how I painted it then.
It was definitely time for an update.
Then I rubbed on the Miss Mustard Seed Dark Antiquing Wax.
I used this combination in a different way on The Painted Sideboard.
On that piece I used clear wax first then the antique wax.
This gives it the Worn Denim look I'm going for.
The detail pattern I decided on
reminds me of a stitch pattern or beadwork pattern
from Indian design.
I'm thinking Moccasins and beaded purses.
To make the circle design, paint the rim of a lid
and press in place.
I'm using white and suede mix for my light paint detail.
Now here's where I decide to go with fun  fur.
I could have been all civilized and went with
this awesome coffee sack that I have..
But my winter mood today decides on the unexpected texture.
Actually, I used my Wal-Mart rug.
I only used about 6 staples to attach.
so it would be very easy to remove
and switch out.
Oh, but why would I want to!
I can see this in a lodge with antlers and a big stone fireplace.
(or my bedroom : ) )
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Pin It!

 I'm looking forward to all of the Handmade Things 2013 Brings!
Blessings Friends,
Link Parties:


  1. Totally funky and fun. Love it.
    Cool that the lake is frozen over as well. :)


  2. Happy new year Deb! What a superb update!! Love it :-)

  3. Love it! The rug was a great idea =)

  4. What a great idea! I love the fur seat and the paint detailing! You are a genius!


  5. I am truly in love with this redo! I've seen nothing like it. There's an old rocker out in my garage that you've inspired me to paint! Wish mine had a cushion. Maybe I could find one to fit. The best part is your Walmart rug! Thrifty thinking:)

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE your fur rocker! What a beautiful pain job!!! I bet it's toasty and so so comfortable!

  7. I love this! The fur makes it look dreamy and cozy. What a great idea for a chair cushion!

  8. Wow that turned out GREAT, I love the look and feel of it. And a rug I never would have thought to do that!

    Stopping by from Pin Me

  9. Oh I love how that chair turned out!!
    Here's to a very Creative Year!!

  10. Stopped over from your tour from "Debbie Doos"...your home is wonderful and I love your fur lined chair. Love me snything with some "glam!"
    Wishing you much success in this New Year!

  11. I love this! What a great idea. And the fur might be a little wintery, but with the right surrounding decor it just might fit into any season!

  12. look so cozy! I need a rocker! Found you via diana rambles.

  13. I love this rocker! I am totally inspired by it. I have recently set out to find a used rocker to redo for my nursery and this is great inspiration! I hope to find a solid rocker like yours that I can redo.. I also love the fur!! I am your newest follower! If you ever have time come check out my blog!


  14. Deb, I love this! Your little painted details are my favorite part, but I also love that fur seat, and the fact that it can be changed out so easily. Would never have thought to use a rug! You're so creative. I have a very similar rocker in my bedroom too....might have to copy your idea!


  15. I love this rocker. You did a great job. I have a link party called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop and would love to have you share this and any other posts with everyone. It runs from Wednesday through midnight Sunday. Here is the link to the party.
    Debi @ Adorned From Above

  16. Love this chair! You did a great job redoing it! I would love if you would share this over at my blog hop

  17. That's awesome! I love it. I've got a piece of white fake fur I've been pondering making into a pillow. This is also a great use! Love the grey color too.

  18. Love your chair! What a great idea to use the fur rug.

    So visiting with you today.

    Blessings, Amy

  19. Oh my that is so cozy and fun too! Great job. THanks for sharing with the newbie party. BTW your home tour was a great hit!

  20. Fantastic job making that over! Love the rug! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  21. Wow! What a gorgeous chair you've created. I decided to follow you through email as I have missed these last few posts. You are so talented that I don't want to miss another thing! Cheers.

  22. Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for linking up!

  23. Absolutely love the paint color and chair! So talented! Hope I can find that paint color in the store to do a dresser in similar likeness. ;-)


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