
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Build a Photo Display Board

I'm always making stuff!

Are you?

It's always been a way of life for me

but now that I blog about my DIY

I feel like I have a hall pass!

There's always another project.

Love that.

I have a blank wall above my sofa.....


not anymore.

This wall is always changing.
(pretty much like the rest of my house!)

But I have been wanting to make a large photo display

so I decided to go for it before the holidays

so the family can enjoy it.

I like wall decor that is large scale and meaningful.

So I grouped the photos onto a frame that I built

using fence boards and underlayment.

This is what the construction looks like on the back:

I stained and white washed the boards

and painted the interior gray.

I made life easy by just taping the pictures on.

With a semi-gloss or gloss paint base, they should be interchangeable.

An easy project

that could house all black and white or sepia toned pics too.

Filling blank walls one project at a time.

Glad you're coming along!


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  1. Love your photo display. Cheers to fence board.

  2. I love it! It looks great behind your sofa!

  3. This is a really cute idea!

    I'm having a FACEBOOK social hop. I'd love for you to hop on over, grab a button and link up your facebook.

    Have a crazy beautiful week!

  4. Very clever, indeed! I like the fact that it can be changed.

  5. what a great idea. i don't like when people don't think you should display your's your flippin' home, where else should you display them, then?? perfect for holiday time.

  6. Deb, this looks amazing! I love making things too - it is so much fun to share through blogging. I have moved my blog, my party will be up as usual. You can find me at I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  7. Beautiful! I'm going to try this, but I'm gonna try photo corners to stick the pictures on!! Thanks for sharing!


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