
Friday, October 26, 2012

How to Paint the Birch Look

Birch Bark
has such a restful palette
and beautiful texture.
This look will be perfect for
Ann's Cabin.

Her vision is to use many natural elements
in the room.
She has some burlap pillows with
simple black text,
and white.
She found this headboard at the thrift store
for less than ten dollars.
So we added some birch branches
to the center.

I'm already feeling the restful embrace....
a simple and peaceful surround.

I'd love to share with you
how to "get the look".

I started with this little black bench/stool.

After sanding just a bit
I base painted in primer white.
Then I dipped my large chip brush
in camel, white, and country grey
and brushed over the base
in a straight line fashion.

At first on the top I base painted in the camel.
Later I decided to add the country grey and white
in a streaky fashion
with a little bit of clear glaze
so that all of the brush strokes would show.

I painted the edges with a charcoal grey wash
(using a bit of clear glaze to go on smooth)

Then using a large flat brush,
lay in the white branches
even if the base coat is still a little wet
because we like the look
of mottled and splotchy. : )

Then add just a teeny bit of charcoal to the edge of your brush
and also some clear glaze to help your
stroke stay smooth.
Drag down the edge of the tree.

Now in a cross wise movement,
drag a chip brush
back and forth with white paint.

Using a fan brush,
dip in some charcoal grey and glaze
and wipe off so there is not a lot of paint on your brush.
Stipple up and down in places.
Drag straight line in places.
If it is too heavy,
dab off with a baby wipe.
That way it subdues and fades out the harshness.
This is so forgiving with the glaze.
You can wipe off and try again as many times as you need to!

Then use the fan brush
with charcoal paint
pulling in from the sides.

Use a small amount of black paint on some edges
and a few random other places
dabbing off with a baby wipe to get
a natural shape.

You can see how I added in the streaky
brush stroke between branches.
Now you've "got the look"
of natural birch.
Are you thinking of all kinds of
things to paint on!

Happy Painting!

Link Parties:

Friday:         Miss Mustard Seed
                          At the Picket Fence
                          Redoux Interiors
                          The Shabby Nest
                          Common Ground

Saturday:    Funky Junk Interiors 
                    Tatertots & Jello
                    It's Overflowing

Sunday:      DIY Showoff

Monday:      BoogieBoard Cottage
                    I Should be Mopping the Floor
                   Between Naps on the Porch
                   Keeping it Simple
                   It's so Very Cheri

Wednesday:  Savvy Southern Style

Thursday:      Beyond the Picket Fence
                      Stone Gable
                      House of Hepworths
                      The 36th Avenue
                      A Delightsome Life
                      The Brambleberry Cottage
                     The Shabby Creek Cottage


  1. Oh wow, what a great job! How artistic...I'd love to try it but not sure I could pull it off like you did. I love this!!
    Saw you linking At The Picket Fence
    Debbie :)

  2. Great tutorial! I love birch trees (as you can tell by my blog background!) Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is so gorgeous! You are so talented! I am so impressed and GRATEFUL for you sharing your knowledge!

    Thanks a lot! hugs ~ Crystelle

  4. This is beautiful! Nice job!

    I am coming over from a linky party and I would love for you to come over and check out my Wool Dryer Ball Tutorial!!

    Have a Good Day!
    Ashley Suzanne

  5. This table is so pretty you did a great job painting the branches they look great. I hope it doesnt get scratched or damaged, coasters are a necessity for this table!

  6. Love it Linda- You are an inspiration. I have tried your dip and drag method recently. Still need to practice it some more but getting there. Thanks for sharing all your techniques!!
    Susan@ Rustic ReDiscovered

  7. I love your furniture painting, it is shear magic!

  8. You are SO good at what you do - another amazing artistic painting and beautiful piece. Love it!

  9. Deb, this is absolutely marvelous - wonderfully detailed tutorial. I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday -I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  10. I can't believe it! I just SOLD my birch tree bench that I did over a year ago..I love this! It turned out amazing!!

  11. Oh my, this is gorgeous! You are so talented. I'm now following along and adding your blog to my sidebar so I don't miss any inspiration.


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