
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Girls Heart the Lake and Paint

Sunshine and 100 degrees...
That's been a typical summer day this year.
So we're lovin' the water
and every chance we get to swim, ski and boat.

For a Lake Girl
these are a few of our favorite things!

But we've got an artsy crafty side too,
so let's break out the paintbrushes girls!

Taylor and Jenna
are going to make
Fish on a Rope.

They used paints and glazes
to make some fun bright stripes on one side.
On the other side

We attached a screweye on the end of the fish
and tied some sisal rope onto it.
We used a similar method
for the sisal tie on the Fish Growth Chart.
How about some bobber jewelry for a finishing touch.

Okay, now for a water break...

Bring on some more Lake Girls
to paint up some School Spirit...

Getting Ready for their Cross Country Season,
Kaelie and Abbey
are making their wall art in school colors.

Sharing the Love of Paint
with my lake girls!

Hope you're having a great summer day,
And if it's winter where you are, enjoy our sunshiney pictures!


  1. What fun Projects Deb! Back when I had my craft store I used to offer a couple of craft days for kids....what a blast!

  2. Oh, I know...the kids love it.
    The craft store sounds like fun.

  3. If it wasn't for the paperwork....I would be my dream job :o)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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