
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Four Lake Girls Ski

I put my paintbrush down
made a special memory
this week.

My Mom turned 73
and she had a goal.

And Here It Is!

She has dreamed of the day
our four generations of Lake Girls
would ski together.

We Did it!
We all got up!

Nana Barb is 73

Nanny Deb (me), 52

Steph is 31

And Taylor is 9.

Nana has been waiting
for Taylor to say
"I'm ready".

She said it.

We all gulped and
grabbed our skis.

Three of us would be on slalom
and Taylor on two.

We had to round up
our brave boat driver, Poppy Mark,
who would have to field
suggestions (ahem)
from the four lake girls in the water.

the "up"
we were in the water
with our cute dry hair. : )

That didn't last long...

It took us a few tries
for everyone to get up.
Once Taylor got the hang of it
she was the first one up.
That tiny light body on two skis pops right up.

The slalom girls have to drag in the water for a bit.

Taylor wonders if we're ever coming up.

She keeps checking on Nana Barb.
"Are you up yet, Nana Barb?"

How bout now?

I think this is it!
I think we're all making it this time!

You Go Girls!

Wow, were we whooping it up
and thanking our Maker.

There was so much laughing, whooping and chatting
on the ride around the lake.

Yay, we made the turn.

Still laughing and chatting...

Nana Barb can't stop smiling.

I can't stop smiling.

It was a lesson in Perseverance.
We kept trying until we made it.

A group effort...
And a Big Group Hug afterward!

Nana's dream and determination
made this day possible.
We unwrapped a gift that day
that will be such a special memory
for Four Lake Girls.

Our special thanks to:
Luther MacNaughton, Photographer
Aunt Cheryl, ski ropes, photos
Poppy Mark, boat driver
Biggest Thanks to Papa Ron who pulls Nana every summer morning.

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  1. This is so awesome! You girls are rockin' it! What a special thing to do. Geez man, I can't ski now, let alone at 73, but what an inspiration. Way to be brave, to the little one, also. Way to go to all of you lake girls! :)

  2. Thank you, girls, for your happy comments! We did this on Tuesday and I am still energized. Mark says we will be blubbering about it until the lake freezes over! lol

  3. This gave me chills! I loved reading about this, Deb & girls. :) Such a blessing! Love you all!

  4. Thanks Rachel! Such a wonderful gift!

  5. How precious! This was so fun to read about! What terrific memories for all of you!

  6. Wow, what a wonderful, funny and heartwarming story. Congratulations to everyone and many more memories to come!

  7. Oh what a beautiful story Deb!! And a wonderful memory for you all - what a feat!! xx

  8. This is absolutely wonderful!
    What a tremendous memory you have created ~ for many generations to come!
    Congratulations to you all.....

  9. Thank you, Patti!
    This has meant so much to us. My Mom was crying about it again today! Happy Tears!
    Thank you for your kind comment,

  10. That is so AWESOME!!! Age really is just a number. What a great memory to have together. I want to be that kind of grandma!

  11. Love this post!

    Not sure why, but the RSS feed stopped coming, so I had to sign up again. But I am all caught up reading your posts and I see I have some stuff to pin when I get on the big computer.



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