
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Painting a Coastal Chair

Hey Friends!
Glad you could visit.

Because I have a passion for all things
lakey, coastal and beachy,
I have a chair redo here
that will fit right in that style.

She didn't always look like this.
You know I'm going back in time
to her earlier days...

Poor thing.

She had a few bumps and bruises
I had to wood fill , sand, glue, and nail.
I also had to cut a new plywood seat.

Once we got her to that point
she was ready for some spray primer.

I always start with my pieces upside down.
It's like working from the inside out.
I like to have all of the guts and goo clean and new.
I think about when I bring a newly painted piece into my home
I want it to be clean and fresh.
And when I sell my pieces,
when the customer loads it in their car
and they see it from underneath
I want it to look Spiffy clean and professional.
(no memories of having lived in a barn)

Then a coat of white gloss

Let it dry.
Then sand all of the edges.

Brush the stripes in with a gray and white mix.

Make a template for your anchor
and transfer to the chair.
(I penciled on the back of the paper for transfer)

After painting the anchor gray,
dry brush and splatter with white.

For the circle overlay,
put gray paint on the edges of a lid
or other circle shape
and press onto chair.

I know, I know.
Lots of details.
Are you still there?

Now for some black paint
(extended with a bit of clear glaze)
to brush on and wipe off.

Brush On.  Wipe Off.

Drill small pilot holes
then hammer on the decorative nailhead

For the chair seat
you can read more (seriously?)
here where I talk about the mattress pad foam that I use.

This gives her a cute little puffed up seat.
Now she's ready for show.

This serene color palette
could be at home anywhere...
living on the lake or coast
or just dreaming of being there.

Warm Sunny Wishes to my friends
who made it this far in the post!
Come back soon, Deb

Linking to :  The Shabby Creek Cottage

Featured at:  The 36th Avenue


  1. this is adorable!
    such a transformation.

    our guest room will be done with a beachy theme - definitely will be on the lookout for a sad looking lonely chair at the resale shops so I can do something similar :)

    thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Beautiful Deb!! So creative and talented you are!!! Love how you did the clever :)

  3. Easy Peasy Circles. Anyone can do.
    Thanks Cortney!

  4. Ash - Thanks for stopping!
    How fun to do a whole beachy bedroom.

  5. Just foundy ou through the Shabby Creek Cottage. Love what you did with this old chair. It looks beautiful and very coastal. I'm your latest follower and a fellow newbie. Hope you'll come check me out sometime. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Really cute! You have great ideas.

  7. Great idea, like always! I am very much impressed with your work..

  8. Wow, great tutorial! So creative and looks awesome. That beautiful chair next to that gorgeous blue water just kills me, I want to jump right in! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments :)

  9. Hi! Visiting from a link party! Ohhhh.. I LOVE this! Im a sucker for all things nautical! This takes the cake. Gorgeous!

    I would love for you to share this at my Friday link party.. it just started! :)

  10. I am squealing with delight that I found your blog. My blog is based on having a lake cottage some day and your blog and projects are exactly my style. Loved your star chairs {saw them featured on "Days"}... loved your bookcase revamp with the rope.. then I saw the Karate Kid reference and you have me hooked {I am a child of the 80's what can I say}!! So excited to be a new follower, you have me inspired. I hope I can inspire you as well!!

  11. I am featuring your chair tomorrow... I love it!

  12. Thank you, Desiree!
    I really admire your have so many great ideas. I am a new subscriber.
    Appreciation, Deb

  13. This chair is so much fun! I'm very into nautical right now - Love it!

  14. Gorgeous chair, wow!


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