
Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend
at the Lake
is really such a celebration.

In all of the fun
I am just so thankful for the freedom
to live the way we do.

Sharing the weekend
with Friends and Family:

We took boat rides, golf cart rides
Oh yeah....
We had fun selling happy art and painted furniture!

I painted a large dropcloth to use for a backdrop
in my garage.
I was so busy getting ready I don't have many pictures.
But lots of people went home with new happy art
and furniture!

I hope you all had
a great weekend
Celebrating the Start of Summer!


  1. I love all your signs!!! Looks like you had a fun weekend. Now get back to work making more fun stuff for me to see! LOL!

  2. Funny, Diane! But so true...we love our projects.
    Thanks for the laugh, Deb

  3. Oh awesome!!! Glad you had some sales...but then how could people resist your wares!!!

  4. You are so cute with all your goodies. I want every sign!! And that deck with the view of the water is so tantalizing... waiting to be invited over for an iced coffee and some deck time - haha!!!

  5. Wouldn't that be fun! I would love to have my "bloggy friends" (as you say) all come over for an iced coffee lakeside.


Always enjoy hearing from my art minded friends!

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