
Thursday, April 5, 2012

End Table Redo - Shades of Grey

I'm loving shades of grey these days....
in my decorating.
I much prefer my skies blue with a big yellow sun!
I like this weathered white on grey.
It reminds me of our boat dock.

You know it didn't start out like this.
It looked more like this:

Such a great little shape,
and yes, there are two!

So, they needed a good sanding:

After wiping the table down,
I used a Grey metal spray primer.
It covers SO nicely.
I always start with my pieces upside down,
spraying all of the hidden nooks beneath
and then I flip it over and spray.

Okay, she's ready to go.
It doesn't take long to dry.
(less than an hour)

Using a white paint, brush onto grey base.
Use a baby wipe right away to move paint in a circular
or criss cross motion.  If your paint is drying too fast,
add a little glaze to your brush.

Then using a mix of grey and white on the sides
and a mix of grey and charcoal on the corners,
extend the paint with glaze and apply with brush.
Move the brush in a horizontal line on the sides.
Move the brush in a criss cross motion on the corners.

Then on the top I used a dry brush technique.
I like to use a chip brush (those cheap ones)
because they are light and airy in application.
Dip into just the white paint, not adding too much paint,
and then apply in a straight linear motion
dragging across the top
leaving areas uncovered so you can see the
grey beneath.

Love it just like this too...

But we're not gonna stop there with this one.
She's getting special treatment
because she is in a raffle next week!
So let's do some text and flourish.

First we'll lay out the text.
Use painters tape as a guide for your lettering.

Then make a template for your scrolls:

Trace around the template with a pencil.
Then paint the flourishes with a liner brush
(adding water or glaze for good flow)

I Love to take old funiture and give it new life.

Redeemed:  to rescue or ransom
to restore worth
to change for the better
to save from a state of sinfulness
This Easter weekend reminds me That's what Jesus did for me.

I hope you'll check back in for more furniture transformations.  The other little end table is coming up next.  I think it will be done in black....
Thanks for stopping by!

Linking to Miss Mustard Seed
                Primitive and Proper


  1. I really like the way you painted this one. And adding the words made it even more appealing!

  2. It seems like text and typography are popular on anything these days!
    Thanks for your note.

  3. your table looks beautiful! love the graphic design on top!

  4. You really gave that Plain Jane a new life. I love it.


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