
Friday, March 2, 2012

Refresh with High Gloss White

In the beginning...

They looked like this:

Actually, this is even better than they looked at first.
I removed the old torn fabric seats and gave everything a good sanding.
But they were

(you know what's comin')


And this is her journey...

After the sanding, wood filler, and wipe down
comes the primer and paint.
This time I used a spray primer.  I really like the metal spray primers.
They are so nice and thick and have great adhesion.
Next, she got a couple of coats of white gloss spray paint.
Then if there were still any pourous areas that didn't cover as well
I brushed on the gloss white paint.

I have a bargain secret
about making new cushions for the seats.

I buy foam mattress pads.
The bumpy, egg-crate looking ones.
I can get a queen size pad for about $12.00
and that will cover 3  or 4 chair seats.
So this is what it looks like:

Cut 3 pieces the size of the wooden seat.
Layer them  bumpy sides together
finishing with a smooth surface on top.
Then add one layer of batting and the fabric to cover.

Now she's so cute
with her shapely little legs
and her puffed up seat.

She will be joining the rest of her party,
a long white table with 6 chairs
under the big white tent
at a summer wedding.

Is there something you can turn drab to fab
with a fresh coat of gloss white?

Refresh:  to give new vigor or spirit to,
to give new freshness or brightness.

"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed"  Proverbs 11:25

If you have any gloss white redo faves, I'd love to hear your comment.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with Dave and I last weekend. We enjoyed seeing all the things you paint and enhance with your talents. You do an amazing job and we love your work!

  2. Glad you could come, Ann!
    I appreciate your encouragement.

  3. Great Job! I'm working on some chairs right now and getting ideas. Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you!

  4. Glad you could stop by, Lisa. Have fun with your chairs!

  5. Your chairs look fabulous-following from TDC-stop on by for a visit!

  6. Hey Claire, thanks! I did stop by - thanks for sharing the burlap wreath and other goodies.


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